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Why IGI?

International General Insurance Holdings Ltd. (IGI), a Bermuda-domiciled limited liability company, has been a successful niche player in the insurance and reinsurance specialty markets for more than 20 years. Formed in 2001 in Amman, Jordan, the company began underwriting operations in 2002 writing five specialty lines of business. Today, IGI writes a diverse portfolio of specialty lines with exposures in more than 200 countries from its offices in London, Bermuda, Amman, Malta, Oslo, Dubai, Casablanca, and Kuala Lumpur.

From its beginnings, IGI’s focus has been on serving our clients, capital strength and preservation, and generating shareholder value through responsive and focused underwriting in markets we know and understand. The result is a demonstrated track record of compounded annual double-digit total value creation. While we have evolved and grown significantly since 2002, the key cultural attributes that have made us successful remain embedded throughout our Company today.

We generate shareholder value through four strategic principles:

  • Selectively underwriting a diverse portfolio of specialty risks in international markets where we have significant local knowledge and expertise;
  • Dynamic portfolio management that allows us to take advantage of market opportunities as they arise;
  • Maintaining a focused and disciplined underwriting philosophy that results in appropriate risk selection and pricing throughout the market cycle;
  • Maintaining a stable management team and cost-efficient business structure that positions us for steady, long-term growth.

At IGI, our financial strength is reflected in our strong ratings: “A” (Excellent) with a Stable Outlook from AM Best, and “A-” with a Stable Outlook from S&P. Together with our focus on excellent and efficient client service, our broad geographic spread of business, and our ability to quickly adapt to shifting market conditions, we have built a company that is uniquely positioned for the long term.