Claims are more than a financial obligation; they are the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to our clients, our integrity, and our dedication to excellence.
We take great pride in providing responsive and efficient claims management, coupled with excellent communication. Personal relationships are vital in the event of a loss, and our claims team has fostered strong relationships with our clients, brokers and third party service providers. As a team, we work hard to develop and maintain the rapport we have with clients.
This is especially vital during challenging times, when claims must be handled expeditiously and in a fair and respectful manner.
We monitor loss advices, along with the reporting on the status of claims. We use the Xchanging Insurance Services electronic claims system for the majority of claims, thus aligning our service levels with London and international market standards.
Claims management is fundamental to our corporate aspiration of being a leading specialty insurer and reinsurer; and we are proud to have one of the strongest and most respected specialist claims teams in the market.